Donderdag, Vrijdag en Zaterdag gaan we icebyken op natuurijs. Vaste locatie is op de Zuidlaardermeer (Meerweg; zie kaart). Wil je langskomen? Stuur me dan een App naar 0621230211
The Croky Icebyk Challenge will visit 30 ice rinks this winter, with the grand final in Amsterdam on 3rd Feb 2018
The Croky Icebyk Challenge is part of the IJSTIJD! initiative (see link)
When you are on an Icebyk, ramps, waves and even jumps just add to the fun! No danger of falling over. Every danger of having a great time with your friends chasing around the ice fun park. On 14 October 2017, everyone is welcome to come and try this all out for themselves during the Thialf Open Day.
The 2016-2017 season is drawing to a close. We’ve just done 3 amazing events in Thialf, before they tore up the ice with the Speedway motorbikes!. Big (250+) groups of school kids (12-18jr) and a company day out rounded off what has been an unforgettable season. From down hill Red Bull Crashed Ice to kids with Down’s, from Swedish lakes to Mexican ice fun parks, the Icebyks by Ice-World have seen a lot of action this winter.
And not only have the Icebyks been revolutionising the way people enjoy ice, the first ‘3-D’ ice start ramp has been shipped to a fixed ice rink. Expect to see more ramps on the ice next season!
In April Team Icebyk are doing a promotion tour in the UK, visiting a number of ice rinks. Not sure if this counts as the end of this season or the beginning of next! In any case, the new Icebyk model is well advanced and you can be sure that come the autumn the fun and games will be starting up all over again – in even more places than ever before 🙂
On 11 March Team Icebyk in association with Sport Deventer & MV-Moves will be holding the Deventer Icebyk Challenge
For more information, click here ( )