Is it an Ice-Bat without a propeller?

.. a question I have been asked a few times now! The Ice-Bat mission is to create an accessable and challenging sport involving pedaling round a 400m speed skating ice oval. It’s not about the bike (as some bloke once said…). The propeller was brilliant because it looked cool, didn’t damage the ice, was surprisingly efficient and the cornering was excellent.

However the wheel drive is of course much simpler, cheaper, significantly less dangerous and I have been able to develop a wheel drive / skate combination that does not damage the ice.

The plan is to have up to 10 Ice-Bats on a Formular 1 style grid. I have been in touch with various Olympic committees with the intention of including ice oval cycling in the 2022 games… Ambitious, unlikely, but why not?! The wheel drive brings all this much closer to reality.

But maybe the Ice-Bat needs a new name? Leave a comment with your suggestions!

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