
Intent on designing the world’s best cycle to race round 400m speed skating ovals and on promoting the new sport of IceTrack cycling, I lost sight of the other things you can do with an Ice-Bat!

The last few days, away from the clinical conditions of indoor ice ovals and test pilots, we let rip on the open expanses of the frozen Zuidlaardermeer! There was super hard natural ice, east wind, skaters young and old, dogs, kite buggies and of course people who can’t skate but came to watch the winter spectacle. And the local TV came to report on the Ice-Bats!

We skidded and drifted the Ice-Bats, turned them over and fell off, raced at up to 45 km/h, rode them on ‘1 wheel’, weaved between skaters, kids and adults alike tried the Ice-Bats for the first time, and generally we went mad. Nothing broke and the only injury was sustained by slipping over while ‘standing’ on the ice.

What I saw (and heard) was that the Ice-Bats are great fun to ‘arse about’ on and crutially Ice-Bats open up the wonder of ‘skating’ to those that cannot or choose not to skate. Obviously in Holland they are the minority (!!), but world wide the majority. Unfortunatly I am not a great entrepreneur, but if you happen to be one, I’d love to hear from you!

In 2 weeks time I take delivery of the 2 new Ice-Bats and the series of indoor events kicks off. Please register your interest (events page) if you want to know more. Don’t forget, the sport of IceTrack Cycling is not just new to you, it is new to the world so sign up and have a go!

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