Work In Progress

Not a lot of ice around at the moment, so a good time to plan next season. This is what you can look forward to:

  • We have set up a non-profit company “Ice Track Cycling” to run all the events which promise to be more adventurous than ever!
  • 2 new variations on the Icebyk will soon be tested an revealed to the public..
  • World hour record – date and time to be confirmed but hopefully on the new 400m ice oval in Thialf, NL
  • Icebyk expedition to Austria on the Weissensee (end of January 2016)
  • Icebyk expedition to Sweden during the Runn Winter Week (2nd week of February 2016)

If you are interested in joining the expedition to Austria or Sweden, please fill in the contact form.

Check out Icebyk on Facebook and Twitter

icebyk zlm no1

What do we do?
We develop, and control the production of, Icebyks
We own a fleet of standard Icebyks which we make available for events
We assist commercial organisations to plan and run events

And we believe that one day Ice Track Cycling will be an Olympic sport!

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